Are you looking for a powerful and innovative way to hire new people?
With 500 copies of your newspaper picked up at each Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Co-op locations of your choice (5,157 sites available), you can supercharge your recruitment efforts in any UK location, at any time of the year.
Contact our team to receive a personalised quote based on your recruitment
Decide on the content and design you would like to include in your newspaper.
Your newspaper is printed on 100% recycled paper and comes form FSC/PEFC
certified sustainable resources.
500 copies of your newspaper will be distributed to each of your handpicked
Watch as your newspaper sparks interest and drives applications for your
Your Bespoke Newspaper will exclusively feature information about
your organisation and your career opportunities.
8 pages of content decided by you.
Some ideas for content:
Employer case study